
OUR HR Solutions

Performance Management

In most organisations, Performance Management is viewed as watching over the employees’ shoulders to see if they are working which makes it an unfriendly process.

OHR will work with you to make the process enjoyable and effective through carrying out the following:

  1. Developing well defined and detailed job descriptions through job analysis process
  2. Facilitating setting of clear targets and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  3. Developing performance management tools
  4. Training on the effective use of the performance management tools
  5. Participating in the appraisal process to practically train those involved.
  6. Preparing appraisal reports for management decisions.

Outrival HR Solutions - performance-management

Contact Outrival HR Solutions for all your Human Resources Needs.

(+254) 786752139

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  • Precision Aviation Building,
    Wilson Airport, Langata Road
  • (+254) 786752139
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